Common arrangements of
measures for warning of emergency situations
Further at subsequent engineering stages as per SP 11-107-98
(Development order and chapter structure “Engineering measures
of civil defense. Emergency prevention measures” of construction
project) design of corresponding chapter showing “Engineering
measures of civil defense. Emergency prevention measures”
at Panaguia cape, Tuzla dam and bay bar Chushka is presupposed,
- estimation of potential hazardous zone;
- personnel safety measures and safety facilities of civil
- warning systems and civil defense management;
- light trap measures;
- improving stability of functioning and accident-free operating;
- prevention of emergencies, occurring due to potential breakdowns
at project;
- forecasting of potential emergencies at facilities close
to designed terminal, including emergencies connected with
oil leakages at transshipment complexes from railway carriages
to vessels (bulk plant), and estimation of the impact on designed
- prevention of emergencies, resulting from hazardous natural
- adjustment of municipal domestic buildings for sanitary
measures towards people and special treatment of vehicles.
The reasons of oil leakages can be:
- cargo works at the wind of more than 17 m/s;
- technological damages
- negligence of oil plant’ employees Lo
Cargo works at the wind of more than 17 m/s by the docking
impact or side effect can result in fire plug damage and oil
As a result of tanker crew’s negligence, for instance:
- in manifold area oil products can leak from overcharged
(or mot installed) tray into waterways, further to scupper,
which was not closed as per exploitation rules, to boomed
water area near the tanker;
- through the fire plugs’ cap which was not closed tightly
after its disconnection from cargo flange during fire plug’s
pipe dropping
- through not properly fixed caps installed near the manifold;
- due to delay of tanker’s valve switching, disconnection
of pumps etc.
Technological hidden damages can appear in any part of transshipment
complex and may result in oil leakages.
Due to negligence of oil plant employees, for instance:
- delay in fulfillment of orders
- unfixed oê poorly fixed cap at the cargo pipeline of fire
- fire plug damage due to unauthorized departure of a tanker